How to access the WordPress admin account?
WordPress is a CMS software with an easy to access admin account and a simple to manage blog system. In order to access your WordPress account, you need to follow these instructions: 1. Open http://example.com/wp-admin (Replace example.com with your domain name) in your browser. 2. Enter your WordPress username and password in the login fields an click on Login. 3. WordPress will redirect you to the WordPress Admin Dashboard.PopularHow to Deactivate and Delete a Plugin in WordPress?
If your plugin is not in use or you wish to deactivate it, you can do this from the WordPress admin dashboard. You can also delete deactivated plugins. Here's how to deactivate a plugin in WordPress Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse over Plugins and then click on Installed Plugins. (https://www.ex2.com/clients/img/wp-plugin-insSome readersHow to enable Wordpress debugging mode via cPanel?
If you want to better understand some errors appearing on your site or its pages, the debugging mode of WordPress can help you. It shows you information about all the errors on your website right now. Debugging mode can be enabled in two ways. You can simply check the option in the WordPress Manager tool, or edit the wp-config.php file using the File Manager cPanel. Here are the steps to enable debugging mode via Wordpress Manager Log in to your cPanel account (https:/Some readersHow to change the language of the Wordpress dashboard?
Wordpress is an extremely popular CMS worldwide. To be accessible to all, it has been fully translated into more than 63 different languages. You can easily change the language of your dashboard and website. Connect to your WordPress Admin Dashboard. From the dashboard menu, access the section Settings → General. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/52421894134f04Some readersHow to install Wordpress in 1 click ?
Steps to install Wordpress in 1 click using Softaculous Connect to your cPanel interface "https://www.domainname.com:2083" or by going through your client area. In the section "Softaculous Apps Installer", click on the icon "Wordpress". Click on the button "Install Now". (https://Some readersHow to Install a New Theme in WordPress?
You can install a new WordPress theme without having any technical knowledge. It is so easy and automated. Here's how to install a new theme in WordPress 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse on Appearance and then click on Themes. 3. Click on Add New. (https:/Some readersWhat are the differences between the various Wordpress user roles?
WordPress uses a user role management system that defines what a user can and cannot do on your website. Knowing the differences between these roles in terms of permissions is essential if you want to have multiple users on your WordPress site. Wordpress user roles summary As a rule, Wordpress integrates 5 basic roles. A sixth role by default exists, however, linked to the installation of a Wordpress multisite network. Super Administrator: This user role is only available onFew readersHow to Install a Plugin in WordPress?
You can install a plugin in WordPress in several ways. The best way to install a plugin is to use the WordPress Admin Dashboard, which automatically allows you to install plugins. Here's how to install a plugin in WordPress 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse over Plugins and click on Add New. (https://www.ex2.com/clients/img/wp-pFew readersHow to change the upload limit of a Wordpress Website ?
By default, WordPress sets a limit to the file size that can be uploaded to a site. This limit applies to media files, themes, plugins and everything else. In many cases, this limit is lower than your accommodation plan. You can therefore increase it to take full advantage of your Ex2 accommodation. Steps to change the upload limit for a WordPress site via cPanel Log in to your cPanel (https://help.ex2.com/en/article/comment-me-connecter-a-mon-compte-cpanel-pqz10p/?bust=167603251730Few readersHow to remove a category in WordPress?
If you want to remove the WordPress category, then follow this instruction: 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse on Posts and then click on Categories. 3. On the right side, you can see a list of categories. Hover your mouse on a category you wish to remove, and a fFew readersWhy secure a WordPress website?
A secure Wordpress website allows, first of all, to protect the data that circulates between your website and your visitors. Second, it helps to strengthen the visitor’s confidence in your website and finally it allows to be better referenced by the natural referencing. Here are a few steps to make your Wordpress website safer. Keep your Wordpress website up to date. Be sure to always keep your Wordpress website up to date. When you go to your Wordpress dashboard, they will warn you whFew readersHow to Manually Install a Plugin in WordPress?
The automatic installation of a plugin is easy, and you can also install on manually. It will involve manually downloading a plugin, uploading and activating it. Make sure you already downloaded a zip file of the plugin to your desktop. Here's how to manually install a plugin in WordPress 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse over PlugFew readersHow to Manually Install a Theme on WordPress Using the Admin Dashboard?
You downloaded a new theme from a trusted website and want to install it on your WordPress site using the WordPress Admin area. If that is the case, follow this tutorial. Here's how to manually install a theme on WordPress using the Admin dashboard 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover over Appearance and click on Themes. (https://www.ex2.com/Few readersHow to Fix the Mixed Content Error in WordPress ?
A common example of mixed content would be when an image is loaded as insecure (http://mydomain.com/image.jpg), but the page was requested with SSL (https://mydomain.com). This can have one of the two following effects on your site: ⦁ The secured padlock symbol does not appear, or is broken ⦁ The secured padlock symbol does appear, but an image or resource does not You can confirm if your site is being affected by mixed content errors by checking the Inspect Element console. You will see yellFew readersHow to set the shop page as a home page on a Wordpress/ Woocommerce site?
When setting up your e-commerce site, you might want to drive visitors directly to the store page rather than having them first go to the main page and then the store page. This not only saves visitors time, but also ensures they are focused on the main purpose of their visit, which is to shop. Here’s how you can do it. Steps to set the Store page as your home page: To get started, connect to your WordPress Admin Dashboard (https://help.ex2.com/en/article/comment-acceder-au-compte-admFew readersHow to Forcefully Update a Plugin in WordPress?
If your WordPress plugin is not working correctly or you want to re-install it even when it is updated to its latest version, without losing data, you can do this without removing the plugin. You can do this with both active or deactivated plugins. Here's how to forcefully update a plugin in WordPress 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your moFew readersHow to Change the Password of a WordPress Account?
If you are logged in into your WordPress admin account, you can easily change your password. Here's how to change the password of a WordPress account 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse over Users and then click on Your Profile. Scroll down, and under Account ManagemenFew readersHow to edit or recreate permalinks on a Wordpress website?
Steps to change the permalinks of a Wordpress site Connect to your WordPress Admin Dashboard. From the dashboard menu, go to the Permalink Settings section. You then access the management page where you can modify the structure of the permalinks of articles, categories and labels. OncFew readersHow to clone a WordPress installation?
A WordPress clone is a copy of an online website. This WordPress feature allows you to make changes to a site without risking to crash it or alter the functionality of the online website. It is very easy to clone a Wordpress installation on Ex2 hosting, using the WordPress Manager, available on cPanel. Here are the steps to clone a WordPress installation Log in to your cPanel account (https://help.ex2.com/en/article/comment-me-connecter-a-mon-compte-cpanel-pqz10p/?bust=1676032517Few readersHow to remove your post in WordPress?
Here's how to remove your published or draft post in WordPress. 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse on Posts and then click on All Posts. 3. Choose the post you wish to remove, and the Trash option will appear, Click on it. (https://www.ex2.com/clients/img/wp-removinFew readersHow to remove the Uncategorized category from WordPress?
You can not remove the Uncategorized category, but you can rename it. Here's how to rename the Uncategorized category from WordPress 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse on Posts and then click on Categories. 3. On the right side, you can see the Uncategorized cateFew readersHow to remove multiple posts with a single click in WordPress?
It is possible to remove multiple posts in your WordPress dashboard. You can also delete selected posts with just a few clicks. Here's how to remove multiple posts with a single click in WordPress 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse over Posts and click on All Posts.Few readersHow to Disable Comments on a WordPress Website?
Comments are a great feature for websites that can benefit from discussions with users. Alternatively, you can disable comments to avoid spam or additional workload. This document will show you how to disable comments on your entire website and only on specific publications or pages. Turn off comments on your website. You can turn off comments on your website in a few simple steps: Connect to your WordPress Admin Dashboard (https://help.ex2.com/en/article/comment-acceder-au-cFew readersHow to remove sample comments, posts on a new WordPress blog?
If you installed a new WordPress blog system on your website, before writing new posts, you need to remove the sample comments, blog posts, etc. This can be done in the following way: Here's how to remove sample comments, posts on a new WordPress blog 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under Dashboard Menu, hover your mouse on Posts and click on All Posts. (https://www.exFew readersHow to activate the Wordpress multisite function?
The Multisite Network functionality is integrated into WordPress. You must first install and configure WordPress as you normally would. Next, you need to enable this multi-site feature. You can also enable multi-site functionality on an existing WordPress site. Before activating the multi-site option, however, it is strongly recommended to create a full backup of your WordPress siteFew readersHow to create a Wordpress staging platform?
A WordPress staging environment is a copy of an online website. This WordPress feature allows you to make changes to a site without risking to crash it or alter the functionality of the online website. A staging environment is a kind of sandbox. It allows you to test all the changes you plan to make to your WordPress site, without harming the site itself. It is very easy to set up a staging platform on Ex2 hosting, using the WordPress Manager, available on cPanel. Here are the stepsFew readersHow to create a Sitemap ?
If your website is large or has been created recently, you need a site map. An HTML site map provides a user-friendly experience and facilitates the navigation of the website. Site plans can have both a direct and indirect impact on the referencing of your pages. An XML plan helps search engines understand your site’s content and reduces the time it takes to explore and index your pages. HTML plans push visitors to stay longer on your site, reducing its bounce rate. If you are looking to iFew readersHow to Change the Display Name of a WordPress User Account?
You can change the display name of your WordPress account, which shows on a WordPress post or comments without changing your WordPress username. Here's how to change the display name of a WordPress user account 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse over Users and then click on Your Profile. (https://www.ex2.com/clients/img/wp-your-profile-eFew readersHow to add a new category in WordPress?
Here's how to add a new category in WordPress 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse on Posts and then click on Categories. Enter the following details in Add New Category: Name: Enter your category name such as Computer. Slug: Enter a slug name or leave this as it isFew readersHow to Delete/Remove a WordPress theme from the WordPress Dashboard?
We recommended you to remove unused themes. This is a good practice for protecting your WordPress website from vulnerabilities. Here's how to delete/remove a WordPress theme from the WordPress Dashboard 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse on Appearance and then click on Themes. (https://www.ex2.com/clients/img/wp-dashboard-apperanFew readersHow to easily secure a Wordpress site via cPanel?
Wordpress sites can be vulnerable to attacks if you do not take sufficient measures to secure them. Fortunately, several measures can easily be implemented at once via the Wordpress management tool in cPanel. Steps to secure a Wordpress site easily via cPanel Log in to your cPanel. In the Software section, click the Wordpress Manager icon. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/webFew readersHow to change a Wordpress user’s permissions?
By default, Wordpress provides that the permissions of the various users of a site are defined by their roles. Each user is assigned a specific role, which determines what they can and cannot do. To change a user’s permissions, you simply have to change the role assigned to them. It is important to note that only a user with the role of super administrator or adminisFew readersHow to start writing your first blog post in WordPress?
Here's how to write your first blog post in WordPress? 1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. 2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse on Posts and then click on Add New. 3. Enter Title in the Title box and write your blog post. 4. Scroll down to the TagsFew readersHow to restore the system files of a Wordpress website?
Restore WordPress system files via cPanel File Manager Step 1 - Preparation First, you need to create a new backup of your website. You can do this by creating a backup using cPanel or by logging in via FTP and downloading the current version of the site. Step 2 - WordPress "Clean" Then you need to go to WordPress.org and download the archive with a clean (no plugins and themes) WordPress. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/52421Few readersHow to add a new page to a WordPress site?
How to add a new page to a WordPress site? Adding pages is similar to adding posts in WordPress. Pages are static content and often do not change its displayed information. Here are the steps to add pages to a WordPress site. To get started, log in to your WordPress administrator account. From your WordPress dashboard, go to the Pages» Add New section. You will then be redirectedFew readersHow to optimize a Wordpress site with the Litespeed plugin?
Optimize a Wordpress site with Litespeed Cache plugin The Litespeed plugin allows to optimize a WordPress site and significantly improve the performance of a site. It offers better results with servers compatible with Litespeed technology, which is the case with Ex2 servers. So you can take full advantage of it easily and accelerate the loading of your WordPress site. Install and Litespeed plugin To get started, connect to your WordPress Admin Dashboard (https://help.ex2.com/enFew readersWhat are Featured Images on WordPress?
The featured image in WordPress development Featured Image is a WordPress feature for theme developers. It supports the use of a representative image in a variety of ways, including articles and pages. Theme creators can easily insert a picture put forward into their themes. To do this, they can simply add an extract of code to its functions.php. They can also choose to configure the management of uploaded images via WordPress. They can style them, choose thumbnail sizes and enable orFew readersHow do I correct mixed content error?
Here's how to correct mixed content error Make sure you have enabled an SSL certificate for the domain You can use the "SSL Insecure Content Fixer" Wordpress extension which is recommended by Wordpress to fix the mixed content error. After activating this extension, you need to go to "Settings" SSL Insecure Content "to configure the extension settings. This extension provides different levels of mixed cFew readersWhat are Wordpress post tags, and how to use them?
Labels are one of the WordPress taxonomies built into the CMS by default. In addition to categories, users can add one or more labels to their articles. While a category can cover a fairly broad subject (e.g.: sports), a WordPress tag usually refers to a specific topic of smaller scope (e.g.: Football, Lionel Messi). Tags are equivalent to keywords, related to the topics covered in a specific publication. Tags are a popular and frequently used WordPress taxonomy. They provide an easy way forFew readersHow to use HTML tags on the Wordpress back-end editor?
Many online text editors use HTML tags to format the various elements. This is especially the case with WordPress CMS. HTML tags are metadata and are therefore not visible to visitors to your website. They are only visible in the content back end. In the classic WordPress editor, you can easily see tags by changing the display mode. To do this, simply click on the Text tab in the top right corner of the window of your article or page. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/5242Few readers
How to enable/disable Divi Safe Mode?
Here’s how to enable/disable Divi Safe Mode. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Support Center option. Scroll to Safe Mode. You can toggle the buPopularHow do I add code to the <head> of your Wordpress site with Divi?
Here’s how to add code in the of your Wordpress site with Divi. Log in to your Wordpress admin space (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Options option. In the Integration section,PopularHow to enable/disable static CSS file generation with Divi?
Here’s how to enable/disable static CSS file generation with Divi. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.nomdomaine.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Options option. In the Builder section, clickPopularHow to enable/disable social media icons on Divi?
Here’s how to enable/disable social media icons on Divi. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.nomdomaine.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Options option. In the General section, where the optionSome readersHow do I change my social media links in Divi?
Here’s how to change your social media links in Divi. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Options option. In the General section, where the options FSome readersHow to change the default font of your Wordpress website with Divi?
Here’s how to change the default font of your Wordpress website with Divi. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Customizer option. Click on the GeneraSome readersHow to change the slogan of your Wordpress website with Divi?
Here’s how to change your website slogan with Divi. Log in to your Wordpress admin space (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Customizer option. Click on the General Settings section.Few readersHow to change the title of your Wordpress website with Divi?
Here are the steps to change the title of your website with Divi. Log in to your Wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Customizer option. Click on the General SettingFew readersWhat are the differences between Divi Builder sections?
The differences between Divi Builder sections When you build your website using Divi Builder, you have the ability to add sections. You must therefore choose between the three possible versions (Blue, Red and Purple). Here are the differences between the three sections: The blue section, also known as Regular, allows you to add different rows that have the width of the page conteFew readersHow do I add code to the <body> of your Wordpress site with Divi?
Here’s how to add code to the of your Wordpress site with Divi. Log in to your Wordpress admin space (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Options option. Dans la section Integration,Few readersHow to add a background image to your Wordpress website with Divi?
Here’s how to add a background image to your Wordpress website with Divi. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Customizer options. Click on the GeneraFew readersEverything you need to know to get started with Divi
Welcome to the Getting Started with Divi guide. This guide is, above all, a continuation of the Divi hosting purchase (https://www.ex2.com/hosting/wordpress-divi "divi hosting"). It is intended, among other things, for people who are new to website creation. Divi Wordpress packages include the Divi license and its installation. After purchasing a Divi package, all you have to do is follow the tutorial to create a website in the colors of your project. To learn more about our Divi hosting packaFew readersHow to display keyboard shortcuts on Divi Builder?
Here’s how to display keyboard shortcuts on Divi Builder. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click your domain name. On the top menu bar, click Enable Visual Builder. (https://www.ex2.com/clients/index.php?Few readersHow to change your fonts of your Wordpress website with Divi?
Here’s how to change your fonts on your Wordpress website with Divi. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Customizer option. Click on the General SettFew readersHow do I change the Color Pickers Default Palette in Divi?
Here’s how to change the default Color Pickers Default Palette in Divi. Log in to your Wordpress admin space (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Options option. In the General section, whFew readersHow to change the background color of your Wordpress website with Divi?
Here’s how to change the background color of your Wordpress website with Divi. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Customizer options. Click on the GFew readersHow to change the favicon with Divi Builder?
Here’s how to change the favicon of your website with the Divi extension. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Customizer option. Select General SettFew readersHow to add a page from a layout to your website with Divi Builder?
Here’s how to add a page to your website with Divi. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click on Page. On the Page tab, click on Add. (https://www.ex2.com/clients/index.php?rp=/images/kb/580Capture-decran-Few readersHow to add sections to your Wordpress website with Divi Builder?
Here’s how to add sections to your Wordpress website with Divi Builder. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click your domain name. Navigate to the page you want to edit. On the top menu bar, click EnablFew readersHow to edit a Wordpress page using Divi Builder?
Here’s how to edit a page on your website using Divi Builder with the Divi extension. Log in to your Wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click your domain name. Navigate to the page you want to edit. On the top menu bar,Few readersHow to change the logo with Divi Builder?
Here’s how to change your website logo with the Divi extension. Log in to your wordpress admin space. (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) In your Wordpress Dashboard, click the Divi extension. Make sure you are in the Theme Options section. In the General section, where yoFew readers
Ex2 Wordpress Theme
Ex2 theme customizer: Container
A container is an area within which the content is displayed. Generally, the container contains the entire page. Both the content area and the sidebar are part of the container. The content area is called the primary container, while the sidebar is called the secondary container. You can apply container layouts for the entire website via the Appearance Customization Global Container section of your Wordpress dashboard. Different container settings can be applied to certain pSome readersHow do I create my footer with the Ex2 theme?
Create your footer Similar in nature and function to the header, the footer is a section displayed on all (or almost all) pages and publications on your site. The main difference is that the footer is located at the bottom of your website. Thus, unlike the header, the footer is often the area that visitors to the site see last. It’s not uncommon for people to miss the opportunity to create a good footer, but it can really make the difference in keeping users on your website as well as forFew readersEx2 theme customizer: Global Typography
Typography plays the most important role in the user experience of a website. Therefore, we offer you a large number of typography options that will allow you to customize your fonts using the Ex2 theme. The Ex2 theme’s global typography module is one of its most powerful features. It allows you to customize the typography of your entire site from one place. In this article, we will look at the Ex2-Theme global typography module and how you can use it to customize the typography of your websiFew readersHow to give style to my website with global settings?
Give your website style with global settings Global settings are used to customize the appearance of your site, and the changes you make here will be reflected across your entire website. The available options are typography (your fonts), colors, container and buttons. These settings will automatically be used (by default) for all content on your website, with the exception of items where you make individual changes. Typography Maybe sometimes you won’t even notice, but using greFew readersHow to add a toggle button in the header with the Ex2 theme?
Toggle button for desktop display: Header builder element The toggle button is an attractive way to display content such as a menu, button, search, etc. in the header of your site’s display to desktops. It is specially designed for computer screens and works in the same way as the “hamburger” button available for mobile display. When a user clicks the toggle button, it displays an off-screen window with all the content you have added inside. As it requires little space, it is a great wFew readersHow do I create my header with the Ex2 theme?
Create your header The header is the top section of your website, displayed on all (or almost all) pages and publications. This is something that every website visitor sees first... your chance to have a good first impression. It’s a place where visitors can meet your brand, offer or idea, and be first delighted and intrigued to explore your website further. The Ex2 theme comes with a header generator by drag and drop. This is a perfect tool to create beautiful headers quickly and effortlFew readersEx2 theme customizer: Single Post
Ex2 Theme Customizer: Single Post section The Single Post section allows you to manage the display of articles on your site for readers. You can find the setting under Appearance Customize Blog Single Post. The customizer gives you access to several configuration options for displaying your blog articles. They are grouped under two tabs, General and Design. Under the General tab, you can define whether or not the title of your article is displayed. You can also choose theFew readersEx2 Header Builder Element: the Toggle Button
The toggle button is a way of attractively displaying content (such as a menu, buttons, search bar, etc.) in the header of a website. It is specially designed for display on computer screens and works like the hamburger button on mobile display. When a user clicks on the toggle button, it opens an off-canvas window on the screen containing all the content added to it. As it takes little space, it is a very effective way to display the content in the header of a site. This element of theFew readersHow to customize the global colors of the EX theme?
Customizing global colors with Ex2-Theme With Ex2-Theme, you can keep a uniform color palette on your website with global color options. These colors will be applied to the various sections of the site that are related to your theme. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance Customize Global Colors. Basic colors This section shows you the default color customization options for your theme. You will find the following options: Text color: Body color and descripFew readersHow to configure Breadcrumbs on the Ex2 theme?
Breadcrumbs show your visitors the way they came to get to the content they are currently watching. It displays all pages/categories that have been accessed to reach the current content. These are navigation links, which means that the visitor can easily return to any previous step simply by clicking on them. You can configure the use of breadcrumbs in the Ex2 theme customizer. Under theFew readersEx2 theme container layout: Boxed
As explained in our article on Ex2 themed containers, a website can have two containers, Primary and Secondary. The primary container is where the primary content appears. The secondary container consists of the sidebar and various widgets associated with it. When you select the Boxed - All layout, individual containers and widgets appear in separate frames. (https://storage.crisp.chat/usFew readersHow to create a header with a logo positioned in the center with Ex2-Theme?
Create a header with a logo centered with Ex2-Theme Ex2-Theme comes with visual footer header builder by drag and drop. This tool gives you great freedom when designing your headers and footers. One of the interesting designs that can be done with the header builder is to create a header with a logo positioned in the center. This type of design only takes a few minutes to complete. By following the simple steps presented in this article, you can easily build a header that displays yourFew readersHow to add social media icons in your website header with the Ex2 theme?
Social media becomes an integral part of the website to promote brands. It plays an important role in the growth of social media subscribers. To add social media icons to the top or top header, follow the steps: From the WordPress Dashboard, go to Appearance Customize Header Builder Main Menu. Then you can see the next screen. You can see the lines above, main and sub-header. Click the + icon on the respective line where you want to add social media icons. (https://storage.cFew readersEx2 theme container layout: Full width container
Ex2 theme container layout options: the full width container (spaced or stretched) As explained in the article Customizing the Ex2 theme: the container, a website using Ex2-Theme can have two containers. This is the primary container and the secondary container. The primary container is the location where the primary content appears. The secondary container consists of the sidebar and associated widFew readersHow to manage the identity of your site with the Ex2-Theme header builder?
Managing your site identity with Ex2-Theme header builder Your logo and other site identity options are directly linked to your brand presentation. As they are part of your header, they are visible on all pages and all articles, which helps users to always be aware of the website and brand they are interacting with. The WordPress theme Ex2-Theme comes with a header and footer manufacturer by drag and drop. With this tool, you can easily manage the identity of your site using the “SiteFew readersEx2 theme customizer: Blog/Archive
Ex2 Theme Customizer Blog/Archive section An archive is a common term when it comes to blog. To summarize, archiving means collecting data. The archive page is therefore a collection of articles grouped by category, date, author, etc. You can customize your archive poster from the Appearance Customize Blog Blog / Archive section of your Wordpress dashboard. Under the general tab of the Blog/ Archive section, you will first find the following settings: Posting the blogFew readersHow to create a footer with the Ex2 footer builder?
Create a footer with Ex2 footer builder The Ex2 footer is a new advanced way to design a custom footer in the Ex2 theme. This article will help you understand how to do this and will show you all the options available with this header and footer tool. Getting Started Once you have installed the Ex2-Theme, you can access the footer creation tool by accessing the Ex-Thème theme customization page. It Simply use the menu of your WordPress dashboard to access the section AppearFew readersHow to add multiple elements with Ex2-Theme header and footer builder?
Add multiple items with Ex2-Theme header and footer builder The Ex2-Theme construction tool provides you with various elements that can be added to the header and footer sections: Button HTML Widget Social When you use only the free version of Ex2-Theme, the number of each of these elements is limited. But Ex2-Theme Pro allows you to extend that. For example, the free theme comes with a button available. When you activate the Ex2-Theme Pro version, you will have two buttons availaFew readersEx2-Theme Pro premium element: the Navigation Menu Module
The Ex2 Theme Navigation Menu module allows you to add and create Mega Menus. Mega Menus are a type of expandable menus in which different choices are displayed. If you have a website with many options and lower level pages, then this is the perfect solution to display them at a glance. The Ex2 Theme offers complete features to design a Mega Menu through the Navigation Menu module. This is a premium feature available with Ex2-Theme Pro. To use this module, you must have the Ex2 theme inFew readersHost locally Google Fonts on the Ex2 theme
Building a beautiful website is very important, but so is the performance of your website. Ex2-Theme is recognized as a fast theme with clean code and optimized for performance that results in fast loading of websites. Nevertheless, there are additional features you could use on your website that will all have an impact on performance. Under the Performance option on the Ex2-Theme dashboard (Ex2-Theme Settings Performance on the WordPress dashboard), you will find an option to enaFew readersHow to add sidebars with Ex2 theme?
Add sidebars with Ex2-Theme Pages and publications on your site may have different sidebars. These elements are used to provide additional tools and information to site visitors, such as links, filters, etc. The “Sidebar” option in your editing tool allows you to add sidebars to your entire website by setting the default layout. In addition, you can set different options for the following locations: The pages of your site Your blog posts The various archives of your site (sucFew readersWhat is a child theme and how to install one on the Ex2 theme?
What is a child theme and how do I install one on the Ex2 theme? Although WordPress themes are generally very customizable, it is quite possible that you want to make some adjustments that need to change the CSS of your theme. Unfortunately, these changes will be completely lost if you update your theme. How to overcome this problem and keep the changes while keeping your theme up to date? Using a child theme, ie a replica exact of your parent theme that works in tandem with it and iFew readersHow to create a mobile header with the Ex2-Theme header builder?
Create a mobile header with the Ex2-Theme header builder? The Ex2-Theme header manufacturer provides a dedicated option to design a mobile header. These options are available with the free version of Ex2-Theme, while the advanced configuration options are only available with Ex2-Theme Pro. Mobile Header Configuration Once you have installed your Ex2 theme and its header builder, go to the “Customize” section of your theme. Step 1: Click the header builder to begin editing.Few readersHow to display breadcrumbs anywhere in a page or post with Shortcode?
Show breadcrumb thread where in Ex2-Theme Since version 1.8.0, we have introduced a breadcrumb function integrated in the Ex2 theme. This allows you to display the breadcrumb and manage its style (color and typography options). This integrated function focuses on three default positions, the inside of the header, under the header and above the title. But, what if you want to display it anywhere on the page or article? Just paste the shortcode segment here: astrabreadcrumbFew readersHow to create a header with the Ex2-Theme header builder?
Create a header with the Ex2-Theme header builder The header builder is a new way to quickly and easily design a custom header in Ex2-Theme. In this article, we will help you understand all the options available to you with the Ex2-Theme header builder and use it successfully. Getting Started Once you have installed Ex2-Theme on your WordPress site, go to the theme home page from your dashboard in the AppearanceEx2 Theme section. Here you can see a small review and aFew readers