Articles on: Website Creation

How to configure Breadcrumbs on the Ex2 theme?

Breadcrumbs show your visitors the way they came to get to the content they are currently watching. It displays all pages/categories that have been accessed to reach the current content.

These are navigation links, which means that the visitor can easily return to any previous step simply by clicking on them.

You can configure the use of breadcrumbs in the Ex2 theme customizer.

Under the General tab to activate your breadcrumb by choosing the heading position. This is where the navigation tracks should be placed in your header. You can also turn them off by choosing None. In addition, you can disable the breadcrumb on specific pages by enabling the appropriate options below in the list.

You can choose a predefined separator that will be used between categories in your breadcrumb.

You can also set the associated alignment parameters.

Finally, a series of options allows you to easily select locations that require a breadcrumb.

The style options for the breadcrumb are found in the Design tab. You can set the font, color and spacing options for your breadcrumb.

Updated on: 06/04/2023

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