What is the Cloudflare CDN?
The Cloudflare content distribution network is the most popular CDN in the world. It is currently used by tens of millions of websites. How does Cloudflare work? In order to understand how Cloudflare works, it's necessary to look at how content loads on the web. When visiting a website without Cloudflare, a visitor’s request leads to the loading of content from the server where the site is stored. If there are too many visitor requests sent to the server at the same time, the servPopularHow to Enable the I am under attack mode of Cloudflare?
Cloudflare provides DDoS attack protection by performing an additional security check of visitors. We recommended you only enable this If your website is under attack. After mitigation, If you are assured that the attack is stopped, then you can disable it. Here is how to increase or decrease your domain's Cloudflare security level: 1. Head on 2. Log in or if you donSome readersHow to Enable or Disable Cloudflare IPv6 Compatibility?
Here are the steps to enable/disable Cloudflare IPv6 compatibility on your domain: 1. Head on 2. Log in or if you don't have a Cloudflare account, you can follow this tutorial to create one for free. ( readersHow do I create a Cloudflare account?
Here are the steps to create a Cloudflare account: 1. Head on 2. Click on the link Sign Up. 3. Enter your email and password to create your account and click on the Create account button. ( readersHow to enable or disable Cloudflare Always Online™?
Did you ever notice that if your server goes offline, but Cloudflare keep serving your website? It's because of the Cloudflare Always Online™ feature. You can enable or disable this feature on their website. Here are the steps to activate Cloudflare on your domain: 1. Head on 2. Log in or if you don't have a Cloudflare account, you can follow this tutorial (https://Some readersHow to activate Cloudflare on your Domain?
Here are the steps to activate Cloudflare on your domain: 1. Head on 2. Log in or if you don't have a Cloudflare account, you can follow this tutorial to create one for free. ( readersHow to check if your domain is using Cloudflare?
Here are the steps to check the Cloudflare status on your domain: 1. Head on Here are the steps to activate Cloudflare on your domain: 1. Head on 2. Log in or if you don't have a Cloudflare account, you can follow this tutorial ( readersHow to purge the Cloudflare cache?
To maintain the performance of your website at an optimal level, Cloudflare recommends selective removal. In short, delete a single file (per URL) instead of completely purging the cache. Purging everything immediately erases all resources from your CDN cache in all Cloudflare data centers. Each new request for a deleted resource is therefore directed to your original server to validate the resource in quesSome readersHow to disable and Remove Cloudflare from your domain?
You can disable Cloudflare on your domain via To minimize downtime, we recommended you to first change your domain nameservers from Cloudflare to your ex² nameservers. Here's how to disable and Remove Cloudflare from your domain 1. Log into your client area ( readersHow do you rescan your domain on Cloudflare?
If you have missing DNS records while scanning Cloudflare, please follow the steps below to rescan your domain: 1. Click on the Cloudflare logo to return to the home page. 2. On the home page, click on the domain you want to scan again. ( readersHow to Change Security level of Cloudflare domain?
You can increase or decrease the Cloudflare security level. Cloudflare has categorized the security level in 6 methods. In the below screenshot, you can see it in detail. Here is how to increase or decrease your domain's Cloudflare security level: 1. Head on readersHow do I manually add DNS records in Cloudflare?
Here are the steps to manually add DNS records in Cloudflare: 1. Head on 2. Log in or if you don't have a Cloudflare account, you can follow this tutorial to create one for free. ( readersHow to Change Challenge Passage time of Cloudflare domain?
Cloudflare protected website display captcha to visitors for preventing bad bots and malicious activity. You can specify the allowed time for visitors who complete the page challenge. If the visitor's IP reputation is bad, but the visitor is genuine, they can get annoyed by frequently filling captcha. Here are the steps to change the Cloudflare domain's Challenge Passage timer: 1. Head on <https://dash.Few readers
What is the PHP memory limit of Ex2 hostings?
Some Ex2 hosting plans include a predefined PHP memory limit. Shared Hosting, Wordpress, Divi, CMS, E-commerce and green. In all these cases, the memory limit is set at 1024 MB. Note that accommodations VPS (https://wwPopularWhat is shared hosting?
Shared Hosting Shared hosting is a concept of internet hosting intended mainly for websites, in a technical environment whose main characteristic is to be shared by several users. This architecture is suitable for sites of importance and low or medium audience, only occasionally requesting the resources of the server (s) used for hosting (processor, RAM, disk space, bandwidth). The administration of the server (s) is provided by a third party (and not by the owner of the accommodation). (SSome readersWhat security measures does Ex2 use for shared hosting?
Ex2 security measures: Our servers have advanced security modules (Apache modsecurity, Suhosin PHP hardening, PHP openbasedir protection and others) which allow us to guarantee the highest level of security available today. However, the vast majority of vulnerabilities originate on the user side. It is therefore essential for the user to take basic measures to ensure the security of his websites and his account. Security vulnerabilites you should watch for: Obsolete scripts or CMS.Few readersWhat are the Ex2 nameservers?
In order to use your domain with your hosting account, it must point to the Ex2 name servers. Here are the generic Ex2 name servers: Ex2 / DNS Ex2 name servers: ns2.ex2.comFew readersWhat is VPS hosting?
What is a VPS or VPN? Simply put, a server is a powerful computer that stores all the data and files that make up your website. When someone types your domain name in their web browser, the server kind of “serves” your website on the user’s screen. Now, in terms of the virtual aspect, you should know that a VPS uses virtualization technology to divide the same physical server into several entities. These are therefore called virtual servers. To summarize: a single physical device worksFew readersDo Ex2 hosting plans use cPanel as a control panel?
The cPanel control panel on Ex2 web hosting Ex2 actually offers the popular cPanel control panel with its web hosting plans. If you have used it in the past, you will not have to familiarize yourself with a new interface and new tools. The control panel offered by Ex2 includes many essential elements such as email account management and cPanel File Manager. It also includes access to other tools to optimize your site’s performance such as Cloudflare ( readersWhat is green web hosting?
Web hosting and GHG emissions At first glance, you may wonder how the web can be polluting. After all, it is a digital and virtual world. However, this digital world is made up of an incredible amount of data that must be stored and made accessible. This requires powerful computers called servers, which allow the Internet to be online 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, these servers requires a lot of electricity to operate. And this constant demand for energy is not without environmenFew readersDo your servers offer anti-DDoS protection?
Anti-DDoS protection on Ex2 web hosting Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have for years been among the most common methods used by hackers to attack websites. To protect against this type of attack, your website must be protected at the server level. This minimizes the impact and duration of such attacks. Fortunately for you, all Ex2 managed hosting plans (https://www.exFew readersHow long will it take for my hosting to be activated?
How long until my hosting is activated? After ordering a hosting plan, activation is instantaneous after the payment. An email containing your login details will be sent to you by email. If you have not received the email, we invite you to check your junk mail (Spam mail).Few readersDo Ex2 plans contain free backups?
When you purchase a CMS plan, shared, Ecommerce or Wordpress with Ex2, you automatically have daily free backups. We keep the last 6 days as well as a backup on D-15 and D-30 For example, if it is July 28, you will have access to these backups: July 1, July 14 and July 22-23-24-25-26-27. Here’s how to download a backup of your site from cPanel. Log in to your cPanel account. Go to the FiFew readersCan I host proxy websites with Ex2?
Using proxies on Ex2 web hosting plans Proxy scripts or proxy servers can be hosted by Ex2 without any problem. However, it can only be used on our VPS hosting ( or our dedicated servers. Proxies require a custom configuration at the web server level, which is only available on these web hosting plans.Few readersHow to update your web tools?
The Ex2 web host offers you a wide range of web tools to allow you to create your website very easily and very quickly. However, these tools can act as a gateway for malicious users if they are not regularly updated. Updating your website regularly is indeed the best way to protect yourself from the majority of malware attacks and infections. So when you need to update any of the software you have used, you will automatically receive an email notifying you of the availability of an update. ItFew readersCan I host podcasts with Ex2?
Hosting podcasts on an Ex2 hosting plan In recent years, podcasts have become increasingly popular and diversified. Some aim to entertain, others to educate listeners or broaden their perspectives by discussing various topics. Hosting podcasts requires a large amount of resources and a special configuration. Therefore, it can't be supported on all hosting plans.. If you want to host podcasts, we suggest that you take a look at our VPS and ouFew readersWhich control panel is offered with Ex2 web hosting?
The Ex2 Hosting Control Panel When you purchase a web hosting plan from Ex2, you are given access to a control panel to manage it. Ex2 web hosting includes a cPanel license, the most recognized and popular control panel on the market. Despite numerous price increases of cPanel in recent years, Ex2 continues to include the license for free with the majority of its accommodations. Only some specific plans do not include cPanel by default, but instead offer it aFew readersWill my site have a good loading time If I use Ex2 hosting?
Top performances with Ex2 hosting All of our hosting plans are hosted on state-of-the-art enterprise-class servers as close as possible to your visitors. We have servers in France, Canada, the United States and on request, all over the world. Your website will be very fast (much faster than on a free hosting provider for example), which will allow you, among other things, to acquire more visitors and get a better SEO ranking thanks to our powerful infrastructurFew readersDo you offer dedicated IP addresses?
Dedicated IP addresses on Ex2 web hosts It's possible to have a dedicated IP address on any Ex2 hosting plan. Some hosting categories already include a dedicated IP address. All our e-commerce hosting plans (, our VPS and our dedicated servers already include a dedicated IP. For our other solutions such as shared hostinFew readersWhat is a Dedicated Server?
Web hosting on a dedicated server A dedicated server is simply an entire physical server dedicated to a single client. The client has total control over the entire server. This includes its configurations and resource allocations. As a result, the client is also responsible for its administration and maintenance. Dedicated servers offer several advantages, but are more expensive than other types of hosting. They offer improved performance and a very high level of safety. The clientFew readersWhat is Wordpress hosting?
Wordpress web hosting WordPress hosting is a shared hosting optimized to best meet the security and performance needs of WordPress. Wordpress hosting plans come with pre-installed CMS, making it easy to get started with WordPress. Ex2 Wordpress plans all offer very similar features. You are of course entitled to a free domain name for life and a free SSL Let’s Encrypt certificate. The main difference between the different packages is theFew readersCan I use online game scripts on Ex2 hosting?
Hosting online games like Minecraft with Ex2 It is quite possible to host online game scripts at Ex2. If you want your own server to host a multiplayer world online, we can help you without any problem. However, this type of script requires a lot of resources and a special configuration that is not available on all hosting plans. If you want to create online game scripts, you must opt for a VPS or a dedicated server ( readersDo you offer Windows VPS hostings?
Windows VPS hosting at Ex2 Ex2 offers several different operating systems for its VPS hosting (, including Windows. However, a Windows server is more expensive than a Linux server. If you want to use the Microsoft operating system, you will need to pay an extra €16.99 per month. If you want Windows installed on your VPN server, just contact us. We will proceed with the implementFew readersWhat is Cloud Hosting?
Cloud web hosting Traditional web hosting hosts a website on a physical server. On the other hand, “cloud hosting” uses multiple virtual (remote) servers for the same task. Cloud hosting is an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) model. It is much more flexible and reliable than traditional web hosting. If one Cloud server is down, another can simply take over until the failed server is up and running again. This reliability makes it an excellent option for major websites experiencingFew readersWhat is Ex2's refund policy?
Ex2 offers a 30-day money-back or money-back guarantee to new customers when purchasing a hosting plan. The Ex2 Refund Policy, included in the Terms of Use, specifies which items are refundable or non-refundable. Ex2 Refund Policy If you wish to be reimbursed for a hosting service, you must first make a cancellation request of your service. Then, contact tFew readersCan I use chat scripts on Ex2 hosting?
Chat scripts on Ex2 accommodations It's totally possible to configure chat scripts on any Ex2 web hosting plan. However, some types of chat scripts (such as IRC) require special configurations. In these cases, it is necessary to use VPS hosting ( or a dedicated server to run the scripts. If you are unsure about the specific requirements of the scripts you want toFew readers