How to Change Security level of Cloudflare domain?
You can increase or decrease the Cloudflare security level.
Cloudflare has categorized the security level in 6 methods. In the below screenshot, you can see it in detail.

Head on <>.
Log in or if you don't have a Cloudflare account, you can follow this tutorial to create one for free.

Click on the Home section and click on the domain you want to increase/decrease the Cloudflare security level.

Click on the Firewall icon.

Click on the Settings section.

Scroll down to Security Level and use the drop-down menu to choose the security level.

Congratulations, you can now increase or decrease the Cloudflare Security Level.
Cloudflare has categorized the security level in 6 methods. In the below screenshot, you can see it in detail.

Here is how to increase or decrease your domain's Cloudflare security level:
Head on <>.
Log in or if you don't have a Cloudflare account, you can follow this tutorial to create one for free.

Click on the Home section and click on the domain you want to increase/decrease the Cloudflare security level.

Click on the Firewall icon.

Click on the Settings section.

Scroll down to Security Level and use the drop-down menu to choose the security level.

Congratulations, you can now increase or decrease the Cloudflare Security Level.
Updated on: 20/02/2023
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