How to cancel an Ex2 service?
If you have a hosting service at Ex2 and wish to terminate it, you can easily do so via your Ex2 customer account.
To end a service, you must first login to your account in the Ex2 Customer Center.
From the menu in your customer area, select the My Services section.
You will then see a window showing all your services at Ex2. To the right of it, you will find a menu. In the Actions section, select Cancel Request.
You will then access a window for cancelling services. You can then briefly explain the reason for your decision and determine the time of cancellation (immediately or at the end of the service period).
Once you have completed the requested information, click the Cancel Request button.
A message confirming that the request has been sent should then appear.
The steps to cancel a service from an EX2 account
To end a service, you must first login to your account in the Ex2 Customer Center.
From the menu in your customer area, select the My Services section.
You will then see a window showing all your services at Ex2. To the right of it, you will find a menu. In the Actions section, select Cancel Request.
You will then access a window for cancelling services. You can then briefly explain the reason for your decision and determine the time of cancellation (immediately or at the end of the service period).
Once you have completed the requested information, click the Cancel Request button.
A message confirming that the request has been sent should then appear.
Updated on: 28/02/2023
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