Articles on: Website Creation

How to create a footer with the Ex2 footer builder?

The Ex2 footer is a new advanced way to design a custom footer in the Ex2 theme.

This article will help you understand how to do this and will show you all the options available with this header and footer tool.

Getting Started

Once you have installed the Ex2-Theme, you can access the footer creation tool by accessing the Ex-Thème theme customization page. It
Simply use the menu of your WordPress dashboard to access the section Appearance > Ex2 Theme.

Here you can see a small review and a button indicating "Use a new footer manufacturer". Just click on this button to start designing with the
footer builder Ex2-Theme.

Then go to the Ex-Thème theme customization page, accessible from the menu in the Appearance > Customize section.

The footer contains the following elements to help you customize your site:

A visual footer, including a set of three separate footers: upper, main and lower.
A General tab
A Design tab

You can add and manage footer elements with the visual editor and customize them from the “General” and “Design” tabs.

The Ex2 visual editor is a flexible and advanced footer construction tool. Changes you make with it will instantly impact the design
of your footer.

It gives you three separate lines into which you can insert elements, the top section, the main section and the bottom section. This allows you to create a unique and customized footer structure.

You can simply click the “+” sign in a section to add different footer elements such as buttons, a menu, widgets, a link to your social networks, a copyright notice, HTML code, or others.

Simply drag and drop widgets into the different sections to place them in the required position and quickly design your footer.

Configure the style for the upper, main and lower footer. Click the settings icon to the left of each footer section and this will take you directly to the style options.

General Tab

The items you add in the visual footer generator will be available under the General tab. You can change the layout, format and display of each section from here. Simply click on the individual item and change the settings.

Design Tab

This section gives you additional design and customization options. You can define the margins, borders and spacings of your elements, in addition to offering the possibility to add a background image footer.

The Ex2 theme offers a complete structure for the new footer, but to unlock the advanced features it is necessary to use the Pro version.

Here is a list of footer elements available with the free version and the pro version of Ex2-Theme:

With the free version of Ex2-Theme:

Widget 1
Widget 2
Widget 3
Widget 4
Link to social media
Footer Menu

With the pro version of Ex2-Theme:

Button 1
Button 2
Footer Menu
Social Media Links
Widget 1
Widget 2
Widget 3
Widget 4
Additional column layout and layout options

Updated on: 27/03/2023

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