How to clear the cache of a website with Litespeed Web Cache Manager?
Much like a browser cache needs to be purged from time to time, a website cache sometimes needs to be cleaned up. If your site uses Litespeed caching technology, the removal can be done via the Litespeed Web Cache Manager tool or through a plugin.
Log in to your cPanel account.
In the Advanced section, click the Litespeed Web Cache Manager icon.

In the application window, you will see a section named Flush LSCache. In this section, click the Flush All button.

You will see a warning window asking you to confirm the deletion. Click OK.

You should then see a message at the top of the application window confirming the successful purge.

If your site uses the Wordpress CMS, it is easier and faster to clear the LiteSpeed cache using a plugin.
The LiteSpeed plugins are available for several popular CMS, including Wordpress. Using a plugin allows you to clear the cache from your Wordpress dashboard.
Log in to your WordPress administrator account.
In the top bar of your WordPress table, you will see a LiteSpeed icon.

By clicking on it, you will have access to a drop-down menu. Click on the cache you want to purge.
Once clicked, you should see a message at the top of your dashboard confirming the deletion.

Steps to clear a website cache with Litespeed Web Cache Manager via cPanel
Log in to your cPanel account.
In the Advanced section, click the Litespeed Web Cache Manager icon.

In the application window, you will see a section named Flush LSCache. In this section, click the Flush All button.

You will see a warning window asking you to confirm the deletion. Click OK.

You should then see a message at the top of the application window confirming the successful purge.

Steps to clear a Wordpress site cache using the Litespeed plugin
If your site uses the Wordpress CMS, it is easier and faster to clear the LiteSpeed cache using a plugin.
The LiteSpeed plugins are available for several popular CMS, including Wordpress. Using a plugin allows you to clear the cache from your Wordpress dashboard.
Log in to your WordPress administrator account.
In the top bar of your WordPress table, you will see a LiteSpeed icon.

By clicking on it, you will have access to a drop-down menu. Click on the cache you want to purge.
Once clicked, you should see a message at the top of your dashboard confirming the deletion.

Updated on: 16/02/2023
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